
2013년 6월 12일 수요일

For Ch.10: 50 Ways to Help the Planet,


For chapter 10 "Saving the Planet"


(Post-Reading Material)

This sites show the lists of 50 ways to help the planet.
There were some ways introduced in the textbook, but there are many more ways that students can do to help the planet. It would be nice to have students explore on this sites and let them skim what kinds of the ways they can do to help the planet.
Even though there are many ways, but the contents are neatly organized and the content itself isn't difficult. So it can be a good activity for students to briefly skim over the contents and pick out some ways that they can implement in the reality. By doing this students can learn extensively and meaningfully.

For Ch.10: The Consequences of Global Warming


For chapter 10 "Saving the Planet"


(Pre-Reading Material)

This site is operated by Natural Resources Defense Council which are very reliable organization, and it is showing the figures and examples of consequences of global warming.
The textbook is mentioning about the global warming but it's not enough to arouse students' attention. So it would be nice to use the more detailed information about the global warming itself and the alive  consequences of global warming to alert students. By doing this students would be more engaged in reading about the ways to save the earth afterward.
Moreover this site categorized the consequences really well, so studetns can also decide which category to dig more depending on their needs. It is very well organized.

For Ch.9: 15 Uncanny Examples of the Golden Ratio in Nature


For chapter 9 "The Beauty of Art"


(Post-Reading Material)

This site provides 15 astounding examples of golden ration in nature.
In the textbook, studetns learned about the golden ration which can be found in the art pieces and architecture. So this time, by using this site students can find even more examples of golden ration which can be found in the nature around ourselves.
This sites provides a good picture to facilitate studetns' learning also. After reading this site it would be even better to make students to try to seek the one of the examples from the nature around us. Which can be a good extensive reading activity.

For Ch.9: The Beauty Equation


For chapter 9 "The Beauty of Art"


(Pre-Reading Material)

This site is introducing the way to calculate the measurements to determine the facial beauty by the golden ratio.
The content of text book which is golden ratio can be an abstract concept for students. So by showing the example of golden ration used in determining facial beauty, students can more easily engaged and be more interested in the topic.
Moreover this site iS providing the easily recognizable pictures and easily followable steps too, so students can test themselves too which will intrigui their interest even more.

For Ch.8: 50 Greatest Festivals in the World


For chapter 8 "Travel and Festivals"


(Post-Reading Material)

This site provides the guide to the best and most interesting festivals in the world.
After reading the textbook, you can make students freely explore on this site.
This site includes the festivals mentioned in the textbook, so if the students want to find out more about the festival learned in the class also can use, and this includes other festivals too, so studetns can freely choose to gather some information about the festival from the wide range of choice.
It is good for giving studetns' opportunity to choose the festival they want to dig in.

For Ch.8: How to Enjoy a Festival


For chapter 8 "Festivals Around the World"


(Pre-Reading Material)

This site provides instruction to enjoy a festival.
Before reading the text, it would be nice to talk about students' real experience in the festivals. Along with this let students briefly check out some steps they have to follow to enjoy a festival and check whether they had done this before or even aware or agree with the steps.
By doing this studetns' schemata can be activated and they might be more interested in the topic.

For Ch.7: Spinoffs from space

For chapter 7 "Space and Technology"

(Post-Reading Material)

This site is providing a conflicting idea on the debate about the spinoffs and a small quiz on the spin off products.

So after reading the textbook, using this site student can share some opinions about whether the spinoffs from the space is worth or not.
Moreover, this site is providing a small quiz on the products of spinoffs, and even includes some spinoffs from the textbook too. So students can guess the answer for fun, and after finding an answer they can more eaily remember which were the spin offs. They might enjoy this activity.