2010년 3월 31일 수요일
My 10 year-old plan??
★What will you be doing after 10 years?
-> English teacher with a passion
★What do you have to do to achieve your goal? (Overall Plan)
-> 1) I have to be an expert in English : Before teaching someone, I have to be a best in that area. I will try to get a high score on TEPS and TOEFL. So I can prove my ability. I will study English very hard. I'm going to memorize lots of words, and study grammar. Also I will try to read lots of English books and watch American drama.
2) I will apply for a student exchange program : With my TEPS and TOEFL score, I will apply for a student exchange program. I will experience English and American culture. I will study English in England and America.
3) I will study how to teach students well : I will study various teaching methods, so I can teach students more efficiently. I will take some of popular English teachers' lecture, and try to learn from them.
4) I will do part time job in Hakwon or tutor : I will teach some high school or middle school students English as a part time job. So I can be prepared to be a real English school teacher.
-> English teacher with a passion
★What do you have to do to achieve your goal? (Overall Plan)
-> 1) I have to be an expert in English : Before teaching someone, I have to be a best in that area. I will try to get a high score on TEPS and TOEFL. So I can prove my ability. I will study English very hard. I'm going to memorize lots of words, and study grammar. Also I will try to read lots of English books and watch American drama.
2) I will apply for a student exchange program : With my TEPS and TOEFL score, I will apply for a student exchange program. I will experience English and American culture. I will study English in England and America.
3) I will study how to teach students well : I will study various teaching methods, so I can teach students more efficiently. I will take some of popular English teachers' lecture, and try to learn from them.
4) I will do part time job in Hakwon or tutor : I will teach some high school or middle school students English as a part time job. So I can be prepared to be a real English school teacher.
2010년 3월 29일 월요일
토플 핵심 동의어 총정리!!
I'm studying for the TOEFL now. Because I want to participate in student exchange program, and for this I need TOEFL score. There are too many difficult words I have to memorize. I've never seen some of these words. Even there are lots of different words with one same meaning!! Very confusing! So I try to gather them, so I can re-check it whenever I want to.
1. 약화시키다·약화되다
debilitate 약화시키다
devitalize 약화시키다
incapacitate 무능력하게 하다
wither 시들다, 약해지다
enervate 약화시키다
unnerve 무기력하게 하다
enfeeble 약화시키다
attenuate 가늘게·약하게 하다
extenuate 줄여주다, 경감하다
languish 나른해지다, 약해지다
wane (쇠)약해지다
2. 줄(이)다
lessen 적게 하다, 줄이다
decline 쇠퇴·하락하다; 거절하다
diminish 줄이다, 감소시키다
dwindle 점차 감소하다
curtail 줄이다, 삭감하다
retrench 단축하다; 절감·긴축하다
slash 대폭 삭감하다; 혹평하다
abate 감소시키다, 줄이다
3. (가치를) 떨어뜨리다
degrade 격하·좌천·강등시키다
depreciate 가치가 떨어지다
devalue 가치를 떨어뜨리다
demote 격하·강등시키다
abase 지위·품격을 떨어뜨리다
debase 품질·가치를 떨어뜨리다
relegate 좌천시키다, 격하하다
4. 주장하다
affirm 단언·확언·주장하다
protest 단언·주장; 항의
declare 선언·단언; 세관에 신고
allege 단언·주장하다
assert 단언·주장하다
persist 고집·주장하다; 지속하다
contend 싸우다, 다투다; 주장하다
5. 선언·공언하다
pronounce 선언·단언하다
enunciate 선언·발표하다
proclaim 선언·선포하다
profess 공언하다, 명백히 말하다
predicate 단정·선언하다
6. 강요하다
constrain 강요하다
enforce 시행·집행하다; 강요하다
oblige 강제하다, 의무를 지우다
compel 강요하다
impel 재촉하다; 강요하다
coerce 강제·강요하다
intrude 강요; 침입; 참견
obtrude 강요하다
7. 가능성 있는
potential 가능한, 잠재하는
latent 잠재하는
dormant 잠자는; 휴지의; 잠재의
plausible 그럴듯한(likely)
feasible (실행) 가능한, 그럴듯한
prospective 앞으로의; 가망성 있는
8. 강한·힘센·확고한
mighty 강한, 힘센
hardy 강한, 튼튼한
firm 견고한, 확고한
solid 견고한, 튼튼한
steely 강철의, 단단한; 무정·냉혹한
steadfast 확고한, 흔들리지 않는
emphatic 강한; 강조된
robust 강한, 튼튼한
masculine 남자다운, 힘센
muscular 근육의, 강한, 힘센
stout 튼튼한, 견고한; 뚱뚱한
staunch 견고한, 튼튼한
virile 남자다운, 힘센, 강한
9. 어려운·힘드는
demanding 힘드는, 어려운
laborious 힘드는, 어려운; 근면한
strenuous 분투를 요하는
arduous 어려운, 힘드는
10. 신랄한·통렬한
bitter 쓰라린, 혹독한, 신랄한
acid 신맛의; 산성의; 신랄한
acute 날카로운, 신랄한; 격심한; 급성의
acrid 신랄한, 혹독한
acrimonious 통렬한, 신랄한
trenchant 날카로운, 통렬한
incisive 날카로운, 신랄·통렬한
poignant 날카로운, 신랄한
pungent 날카로운, 신랄한
11. 고통·고뇌·괴로움
affliction 고통, 괴로움
agony 고통, 고민, 고뇌
anguish 고민, 고뇌, 고통
angst 걱정, 고뇌
torment 고통, 고뇌; 괴롭히다
woe 고뇌, 괴로움, 고통
12. 역경·시련·어려움
hardship 곤란, 어려움
trial 시련, 고난; 시도; 재판
adversity 역경, 시련
ordeal 시련
tribulation 고난, 시련
crucible 시련
13. 곤경·궁지·곤란
distress 고뇌, 고통; 곤궁, 곤란
jam 곤란, 궁지
impasse 막다른 골목, 난국, 곤경
bind 곤경
fix 곤경
pinch 위기, 곤경
plight 곤경, 궁지; 맹세, 서약
predicament 곤경, 궁지
quagmire 수렁, 곤경
quandary 곤경, 난국
14. 불안한·걱정스러운
anxious 걱정스러운; 열망하는
concerned 걱정스런; 관계하고 있는
uneasy 불안한, 걱정되는
apprehensive 걱정·염려하는
15. 칭찬하다
applaud 박수치다, 칭찬하다
laud 칭찬·칭송하다
glorify 찬양·찬미하다
commend 칭찬하다
compliment 칭찬하다; 무료로 주다
eulogize 칭찬·칭송하다
exalt 높이다; 칭찬하다
extol 칭찬·찬양하다
16. 고치다·변경하다
remedy 고치다
revise 교정·수정하다
transform 변형시키다
(a)mend 고치다, 수정하다
vary 바꾸다, 변경하다
alter 변경하다, 바꾸다
modify 변경·수정하다
rectify 개정·수정하다
convert 전환·개조하다
redress 바로잡다, 교정하다
17. 떼어놓다·멀어지게 하다
distance 멀어지게 하다
dissociate 떼어놓다, 분리하다
separate 떼어놓다, 멀어지게 하다
sever 자르다; 떼어놓다
detach 떼어내다, 분리하다
estrange 떼어놓다, 멀어지게 하다
alienate 소원케 하다; 양도하다
insulate 격리하다, 고립시키다
split 쪼개다; 분리·이간시키다
segregate 분리·격리하다
seclude 차단·격리시키다
sequester 격리하다; 은퇴시키다
18. 물러서다·후퇴하다
recede 물러가다(retroced)
retreat 후퇴(하다)
flee 달아나다, 도망치다
flinch 도망치다, 꽁무니 빼다
recoil 후퇴하다, 꽁무니 빼다
abscond 도망치다, 자취를 감추다
wince 주춤하다, 꽁무니 빼다
19. 관대한·너그러운
beneficent 자선의, 관대한
benevolent 자선의, 인자한
generous 관대한; 풍부한
liberal 관대한; 자유주의의; 교양의
indulgent 관대한, 엄하지 않은
lenient 너그러운, 관대한
magnanimous 관대한, 도량이 큰
lavish 아끼지 않는, 관대한; 낭비하
는munificent 아낌없이 주는, 관대한
20. 친절한·상냥한
considerate 친절한; 신중한
gracious 품위 있는; 정중한; 상냥한
good-humored 상냥한, 사근한
amiable 친근한, 상냥한
amicable 우호적인, 친선의
benign 친절·상냥한; 온화한; 양성의
affable 상냥한, 사근한
genial 친절한, 상냥한; 온화한
21. 사교적인·외향적인
sociable 사교적인
outgoing 외향적인
extrovert 외향적인
gregarious 군거성의, 사교적인
convivial 어울리기 좋아하는; 즐거운
22. 내성적인·수줍어하는
introvert 내성적인
reserved 내향적인, 수줍은
bashful 수줍어하는, 부끄럼타는
timid 겁 많은, 내성적인, 수줍어하는
23. 겁 많은·소심한
coward(ly) 겁 많은, 소심한
diffident 자신 없는, 소심한
timid 겁 많은, 내성적인, 수줍어하는
timorous 겁 많은, 소심한
chickenhearted 겁 많은, 소심한
fainthearted 소심한, 겁 많은
24. 호전적인·싸우기 좋아하
는warlike 호전적인
militant 투쟁·전투적인
argumentative 논쟁적인
belligerent 호전적인
bellicose 호전적인
contentious 다투기 좋아하는
pugnacious 싸움하기 좋아하는
25. 인위·인공적인
artificial 인조의, 인공적인
factitious 인위적인, 인공적인
synthetic 합성의, 인조의
manmade 인조의, 인공의
26. 능숙한·솜씨 있는
skillful 숙련된, 능숙한
handy 손재주 있는; 편리한; 가까이의
proficient 익숙한, 능숙한
ingenious 재간 있는; 창의적인
adept 숙달한, 정통한
deft 손재주 있는, 솜씨 좋은
adroit 손재주가 있는
dexterous 손재주 있는, 솜씨 있는
versed 숙달한, 정통한, 조예 깊은
27. 솜씨 없는·서투른
inapt 서투른, 부적당한
inept 서투른, 부적당한
maladroit 서투른, 솜씨 없는
clumsy 꼴사나운, 어색한; 서투른
awkward 꼴사나운, 어색한; 서투른
28. (자세히) 설명하다
depict 묘사·설명하다(describe)
illuminate 해명하다, 명백히 하다
manifest 명백히 하다
narrate 이야기하다
articulate 명료히 표현하다
elucidate 해명·설명하다
expound 상세히 설명하다
specify 명기하다, 상술하다
explicate 설명하다
amplify 확대하다; 상세히 설명하다
29. 명백한·분명한
definite 명확한
distinct 별개의; 뚜렷한, 명확한
evident 분명한, 명백한
obvious 명백한, 분명한
visible 가시의; 명백한
manifest 명백한
plain 평평한; 명백한; 솔직한
transparent 투명한; 명백한
pronounced 명백한, 뚜렷한
lucid 빛나는; 명쾌한
luminous 빛나는; 명쾌한
articulate 명료한
unequivocal 모호하지 않은, 명백한
conspicuous 명백한; 현저·저명한
perspicuous 명료한, 명쾌한
explicit 명백한
overt 명백한, 공공연한
tangible 만져 알 수 있는, 명백한
palpable 촉지할 수 있는, 명백한
30. 모호한·불분명한
cloudy 흐린; 애매한
indefinite 불분명한
indistinct 뚜렷하지 않은
obscure 불분명한, 모호한
vague 막연한, 모호한
ambiguous 모호한
equivocal 불분명한, 모호한
inarticulate 불명료한
inexplicit 불명료한, 모호한
intangible 만질 수 없는, 막연한
impalpable 불분명한
nebulous 성운의; 불명료한
blurry 흐릿한
1. 약화시키다·약화되다
debilitate 약화시키다
devitalize 약화시키다
incapacitate 무능력하게 하다
wither 시들다, 약해지다
enervate 약화시키다
unnerve 무기력하게 하다
enfeeble 약화시키다
attenuate 가늘게·약하게 하다
extenuate 줄여주다, 경감하다
languish 나른해지다, 약해지다
wane (쇠)약해지다
2. 줄(이)다
lessen 적게 하다, 줄이다
decline 쇠퇴·하락하다; 거절하다
diminish 줄이다, 감소시키다
dwindle 점차 감소하다
curtail 줄이다, 삭감하다
retrench 단축하다; 절감·긴축하다
slash 대폭 삭감하다; 혹평하다
abate 감소시키다, 줄이다
3. (가치를) 떨어뜨리다
degrade 격하·좌천·강등시키다
depreciate 가치가 떨어지다
devalue 가치를 떨어뜨리다
demote 격하·강등시키다
abase 지위·품격을 떨어뜨리다
debase 품질·가치를 떨어뜨리다
relegate 좌천시키다, 격하하다
4. 주장하다
affirm 단언·확언·주장하다
protest 단언·주장; 항의
declare 선언·단언; 세관에 신고
allege 단언·주장하다
assert 단언·주장하다
persist 고집·주장하다; 지속하다
contend 싸우다, 다투다; 주장하다
5. 선언·공언하다
pronounce 선언·단언하다
enunciate 선언·발표하다
proclaim 선언·선포하다
profess 공언하다, 명백히 말하다
predicate 단정·선언하다
6. 강요하다
constrain 강요하다
enforce 시행·집행하다; 강요하다
oblige 강제하다, 의무를 지우다
compel 강요하다
impel 재촉하다; 강요하다
coerce 강제·강요하다
intrude 강요; 침입; 참견
obtrude 강요하다
7. 가능성 있는
potential 가능한, 잠재하는
latent 잠재하는
dormant 잠자는; 휴지의; 잠재의
plausible 그럴듯한(likely)
feasible (실행) 가능한, 그럴듯한
prospective 앞으로의; 가망성 있는
8. 강한·힘센·확고한
mighty 강한, 힘센
hardy 강한, 튼튼한
firm 견고한, 확고한
solid 견고한, 튼튼한
steely 강철의, 단단한; 무정·냉혹한
steadfast 확고한, 흔들리지 않는
emphatic 강한; 강조된
robust 강한, 튼튼한
masculine 남자다운, 힘센
muscular 근육의, 강한, 힘센
stout 튼튼한, 견고한; 뚱뚱한
staunch 견고한, 튼튼한
virile 남자다운, 힘센, 강한
9. 어려운·힘드는
demanding 힘드는, 어려운
laborious 힘드는, 어려운; 근면한
strenuous 분투를 요하는
arduous 어려운, 힘드는
10. 신랄한·통렬한
bitter 쓰라린, 혹독한, 신랄한
acid 신맛의; 산성의; 신랄한
acute 날카로운, 신랄한; 격심한; 급성의
acrid 신랄한, 혹독한
acrimonious 통렬한, 신랄한
trenchant 날카로운, 통렬한
incisive 날카로운, 신랄·통렬한
poignant 날카로운, 신랄한
pungent 날카로운, 신랄한
11. 고통·고뇌·괴로움
affliction 고통, 괴로움
agony 고통, 고민, 고뇌
anguish 고민, 고뇌, 고통
angst 걱정, 고뇌
torment 고통, 고뇌; 괴롭히다
woe 고뇌, 괴로움, 고통
12. 역경·시련·어려움
hardship 곤란, 어려움
trial 시련, 고난; 시도; 재판
adversity 역경, 시련
ordeal 시련
tribulation 고난, 시련
crucible 시련
13. 곤경·궁지·곤란
distress 고뇌, 고통; 곤궁, 곤란
jam 곤란, 궁지
impasse 막다른 골목, 난국, 곤경
bind 곤경
fix 곤경
pinch 위기, 곤경
plight 곤경, 궁지; 맹세, 서약
predicament 곤경, 궁지
quagmire 수렁, 곤경
quandary 곤경, 난국
14. 불안한·걱정스러운
anxious 걱정스러운; 열망하는
concerned 걱정스런; 관계하고 있는
uneasy 불안한, 걱정되는
apprehensive 걱정·염려하는
15. 칭찬하다
applaud 박수치다, 칭찬하다
laud 칭찬·칭송하다
glorify 찬양·찬미하다
commend 칭찬하다
compliment 칭찬하다; 무료로 주다
eulogize 칭찬·칭송하다
exalt 높이다; 칭찬하다
extol 칭찬·찬양하다
16. 고치다·변경하다
remedy 고치다
revise 교정·수정하다
transform 변형시키다
(a)mend 고치다, 수정하다
vary 바꾸다, 변경하다
alter 변경하다, 바꾸다
modify 변경·수정하다
rectify 개정·수정하다
convert 전환·개조하다
redress 바로잡다, 교정하다
17. 떼어놓다·멀어지게 하다
distance 멀어지게 하다
dissociate 떼어놓다, 분리하다
separate 떼어놓다, 멀어지게 하다
sever 자르다; 떼어놓다
detach 떼어내다, 분리하다
estrange 떼어놓다, 멀어지게 하다
alienate 소원케 하다; 양도하다
insulate 격리하다, 고립시키다
split 쪼개다; 분리·이간시키다
segregate 분리·격리하다
seclude 차단·격리시키다
sequester 격리하다; 은퇴시키다
18. 물러서다·후퇴하다
recede 물러가다(retroced)
retreat 후퇴(하다)
flee 달아나다, 도망치다
flinch 도망치다, 꽁무니 빼다
recoil 후퇴하다, 꽁무니 빼다
abscond 도망치다, 자취를 감추다
wince 주춤하다, 꽁무니 빼다
19. 관대한·너그러운
beneficent 자선의, 관대한
benevolent 자선의, 인자한
generous 관대한; 풍부한
liberal 관대한; 자유주의의; 교양의
indulgent 관대한, 엄하지 않은
lenient 너그러운, 관대한
magnanimous 관대한, 도량이 큰
lavish 아끼지 않는, 관대한; 낭비하
는munificent 아낌없이 주는, 관대한
20. 친절한·상냥한
considerate 친절한; 신중한
gracious 품위 있는; 정중한; 상냥한
good-humored 상냥한, 사근한
amiable 친근한, 상냥한
amicable 우호적인, 친선의
benign 친절·상냥한; 온화한; 양성의
affable 상냥한, 사근한
genial 친절한, 상냥한; 온화한
21. 사교적인·외향적인
sociable 사교적인
outgoing 외향적인
extrovert 외향적인
gregarious 군거성의, 사교적인
convivial 어울리기 좋아하는; 즐거운
22. 내성적인·수줍어하는
introvert 내성적인
reserved 내향적인, 수줍은
bashful 수줍어하는, 부끄럼타는
timid 겁 많은, 내성적인, 수줍어하는
23. 겁 많은·소심한
coward(ly) 겁 많은, 소심한
diffident 자신 없는, 소심한
timid 겁 많은, 내성적인, 수줍어하는
timorous 겁 많은, 소심한
chickenhearted 겁 많은, 소심한
fainthearted 소심한, 겁 많은
24. 호전적인·싸우기 좋아하
는warlike 호전적인
militant 투쟁·전투적인
argumentative 논쟁적인
belligerent 호전적인
bellicose 호전적인
contentious 다투기 좋아하는
pugnacious 싸움하기 좋아하는
25. 인위·인공적인
artificial 인조의, 인공적인
factitious 인위적인, 인공적인
synthetic 합성의, 인조의
manmade 인조의, 인공의
26. 능숙한·솜씨 있는
skillful 숙련된, 능숙한
handy 손재주 있는; 편리한; 가까이의
proficient 익숙한, 능숙한
ingenious 재간 있는; 창의적인
adept 숙달한, 정통한
deft 손재주 있는, 솜씨 좋은
adroit 손재주가 있는
dexterous 손재주 있는, 솜씨 있는
versed 숙달한, 정통한, 조예 깊은
27. 솜씨 없는·서투른
inapt 서투른, 부적당한
inept 서투른, 부적당한
maladroit 서투른, 솜씨 없는
clumsy 꼴사나운, 어색한; 서투른
awkward 꼴사나운, 어색한; 서투른
28. (자세히) 설명하다
depict 묘사·설명하다(describe)
illuminate 해명하다, 명백히 하다
manifest 명백히 하다
narrate 이야기하다
articulate 명료히 표현하다
elucidate 해명·설명하다
expound 상세히 설명하다
specify 명기하다, 상술하다
explicate 설명하다
amplify 확대하다; 상세히 설명하다
29. 명백한·분명한
definite 명확한
distinct 별개의; 뚜렷한, 명확한
evident 분명한, 명백한
obvious 명백한, 분명한
visible 가시의; 명백한
manifest 명백한
plain 평평한; 명백한; 솔직한
transparent 투명한; 명백한
pronounced 명백한, 뚜렷한
lucid 빛나는; 명쾌한
luminous 빛나는; 명쾌한
articulate 명료한
unequivocal 모호하지 않은, 명백한
conspicuous 명백한; 현저·저명한
perspicuous 명료한, 명쾌한
explicit 명백한
overt 명백한, 공공연한
tangible 만져 알 수 있는, 명백한
palpable 촉지할 수 있는, 명백한
30. 모호한·불분명한
cloudy 흐린; 애매한
indefinite 불분명한
indistinct 뚜렷하지 않은
obscure 불분명한, 모호한
vague 막연한, 모호한
ambiguous 모호한
equivocal 불분명한, 모호한
inarticulate 불명료한
inexplicit 불명료한, 모호한
intangible 만질 수 없는, 막연한
impalpable 불분명한
nebulous 성운의; 불명료한
blurry 흐릿한
2010년 3월 27일 토요일
Let's study TOEFL!!

I bought some TOEFL books. TOEFL books are expensive! Well I guess, since books are expensive I will feel more response to study hard, because I don't want to waste my money!
I had taken some TEPS few times before, but I never took TOEFL. The reson for this is that TOEFL is not cheap to take, so I want to be fully ready for the test. So I bought some books so I can study alone.
I want to apply for a student exchange program later, so I need TOEFL score. And just studying for the test will help me improve my English skills anyway. So this will be killing two birds with one rock! I will study at least three times a week depend on how many assingments do I have. Let's study hard and acieve my dream!
2010년 3월 23일 화요일
Chill Out With Hye-won and Jin-ah

After school, Hyewon, Jinah, and I went to Kangnam to just hang out. It was rainy day. And we went to Jon-co to drink.
Maybe we were so stressed out with many assignments. So we wanted to be drunk!!
I'm not good at drinking, so eventhough I didn't drink much, I was drunk.
Well it was fun! We could be very honest when we are drunk.
We were very delightful!!
Too bad that I don't have Jinah's picture.
2010년 3월 17일 수요일
Address : http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes3.asp
Your Type is
Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
22 25 88 1
ISFJ type description by D.Keirsey
ISFJ Identify Your Career with Jung Career Indicator? ISFJ Famous Personalities
ISFJ type description by J. Butt and M.M. Heiss
Qualitative analysis of your type formula
You are:
slightly expressed introvert
moderately expressed sensing personality
very expressed feeling personality
slightly expressed judging personality
Quiet friendly, responsible, and conscientious. Work devotedly to meet their obligations. Lend stability to any project or group. Thorough, painstaking, accurate. Their interests are usually not technical. Can be patient with necessary details. :Loyal, considerate, perceptive, concerned with how other people feel
How do I think??
Well I’m an ISFJ type.
ISFJ type people are highly observant and aware of people’s feelings and reactions. They dislike doing things which don’t make sense to them. They are kind and considerate so they likely to put others’ needs above their own. However, they are pessimistic and passive. They focus too much on the present, so they can’t see the future well. The most efficient way to study for them is using their sense. Not only seeing, but also touching and hearing can be very helpful for them in studying. They prefer to understand something fully, and study alone or with really close friends.
I think ISFJ type matches with my personality and way to study quit well. I studied English in American. In America, English is the almost everything that I could use, see and hear. By surrounded by English, my English skill got improved. I guess actually using my sense helped me a lot in studying English.
Your Type is
Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
22 25 88 1
ISFJ type description by D.Keirsey
ISFJ Identify Your Career with Jung Career Indicator? ISFJ Famous Personalities
ISFJ type description by J. Butt and M.M. Heiss
Qualitative analysis of your type formula
You are:
slightly expressed introvert
moderately expressed sensing personality
very expressed feeling personality
slightly expressed judging personality
Quiet friendly, responsible, and conscientious. Work devotedly to meet their obligations. Lend stability to any project or group. Thorough, painstaking, accurate. Their interests are usually not technical. Can be patient with necessary details. :Loyal, considerate, perceptive, concerned with how other people feel
How do I think??
Well I’m an ISFJ type.
ISFJ type people are highly observant and aware of people’s feelings and reactions. They dislike doing things which don’t make sense to them. They are kind and considerate so they likely to put others’ needs above their own. However, they are pessimistic and passive. They focus too much on the present, so they can’t see the future well. The most efficient way to study for them is using their sense. Not only seeing, but also touching and hearing can be very helpful for them in studying. They prefer to understand something fully, and study alone or with really close friends.
I think ISFJ type matches with my personality and way to study quit well. I studied English in American. In America, English is the almost everything that I could use, see and hear. By surrounded by English, my English skill got improved. I guess actually using my sense helped me a lot in studying English.
Today's Lesson ? Myth about learning education
1) Native English speaker is always better in teaching English.
2) Tongue condition makes a big difference in pronouncing English.
3) Studying abroad is necessary in achieving high quality English proficiency.
4) Excellent teaching (or Hakwon) remarkably reduces time to learn English.
5) Learning English in the earlychildhood is very important in mastering Enlgish.
6) Memorizing vocabulary is the primary sep to learn English.
7) Teacher who went to highly ranked university will teach English better.
8) There are a hidden methods to teach English better.
2) Tongue condition makes a big difference in pronouncing English.
3) Studying abroad is necessary in achieving high quality English proficiency.
4) Excellent teaching (or Hakwon) remarkably reduces time to learn English.
5) Learning English in the earlychildhood is very important in mastering Enlgish.
6) Memorizing vocabulary is the primary sep to learn English.
7) Teacher who went to highly ranked university will teach English better.
8) There are a hidden methods to teach English better.
2010년 3월 14일 일요일
5 virtues to be a good English teacher.
1) Teacher should be expert in English.
; Before teaching someone, teacher need to ba an expert in that area. He or she needs confident in his or her major. So teacher can answer all the questions that students ask, and help struggling students. Teacher should be responsibility when he or she teaches someone.
2) Teacher should be nice.
; Teacher should be nice, so students can open their mind and feel easy to ask for help. They will feel confortable around teacher who is nice. And students like nice teacher. If student like teacher, they will get more interests and passion in the subject!
3) Teacher should know about students.
; It is more efficient to give education based on the level of students. For this, teacher need to know about students. And also it could be a way to get close with students.
4) Teacher should be able to use various methods.
; Teacher needs skill to grad student's attention. So sometime he or she should be humorous. Also teacher should use various teaching methods to raise student's concentration. Changing way to teach some time can be very efficient and keep class awake.
5) Teacher shouldn't discriminate students.
; No matter students study well or not, teacher should try to treat them fairly. He or she need to be patient sometime, or there will be bigger gap between good students and bad students.
Well, hopely I could be a good English teacher in the future!
; Before teaching someone, teacher need to ba an expert in that area. He or she needs confident in his or her major. So teacher can answer all the questions that students ask, and help struggling students. Teacher should be responsibility when he or she teaches someone.
2) Teacher should be nice.
; Teacher should be nice, so students can open their mind and feel easy to ask for help. They will feel confortable around teacher who is nice. And students like nice teacher. If student like teacher, they will get more interests and passion in the subject!
3) Teacher should know about students.
; It is more efficient to give education based on the level of students. For this, teacher need to know about students. And also it could be a way to get close with students.
4) Teacher should be able to use various methods.
; Teacher needs skill to grad student's attention. So sometime he or she should be humorous. Also teacher should use various teaching methods to raise student's concentration. Changing way to teach some time can be very efficient and keep class awake.
5) Teacher shouldn't discriminate students.
; No matter students study well or not, teacher should try to treat them fairly. He or she need to be patient sometime, or there will be bigger gap between good students and bad students.
Well, hopely I could be a good English teacher in the future!
2010년 3월 11일 목요일
Lots of snow in SEOUL!!

In the night of March 9th, it rained.
It was very cold day, and suddenly the rain changed to snow.
It was my first time to see the snow this year!!
First snow of this year for me!!
I was living in Busan where doesn't snow often. And when it snow a little bit, I was warching Percy Jackson and the Olympians ; The Lightning Thief!! So I missed the chance to see the first snow of Busan.
I was really sad in the toughts that I couldn't see any snow in this year.
But on March 9th, it snowed in the spring!!
Almost every seoulite didn't like the snow, but I was really gald to see it!
It was so pretty in the morning! All the things were covered with snow! Looks very clean, and make me feel fresh!!
But, just one time will be enough for me. I don't want spring snow any more! TOO COLD!!
2010년 3월 8일 월요일
:) Hello
Woo! Very excited to start the blog!
Whenever you feel bored visit me! Always welcome!!
Talk to me, I don't bite.
Want to make lots of friends!
Whenever you feel bored visit me! Always welcome!!
Talk to me, I don't bite.
Want to make lots of friends!
Things I love ?
-> So if you have similar taste with me, then be my friens!
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