
2011년 11월 13일 일요일

Kungfu Panda - 2

Prelistening : What is your dream? Is your dream different from what your parents want you to have? Imagine you being at the place that your future dream is different from what your pareants want. Also between a noodle maker and a kungfu fighter, which do you think sounds more fun?

★Before you watch the video, you may read the question first, and try to focus and catch the information you need. Note taking while listening would be very helpful.

[Bottom-up ; dictation, and defining words]
1.Try to fill in the blanks

Sorry doesn't make the ( ).
What were you doing ( ) there? All that ( ).
Nothing. I just had a crazy ( ).
About what?
What were you ( ) about?

2.What is the meaning of ‘entrusted’

(Top-down ; checking comprehension )
3. Do you think Po told his dad a truth about his dream? If he didn’t then try to guess why he didn’t.

[Bottom-up ; dictation]
4.Try to fill in the blanks

We are noodle ( ). ( ) runs through our ( ).
But, Dad, didn't you ever want to do ( ) else?
Something ( ) noodles?

[Top-down ; checking comprehension, and finding certain information]
5.What did Po’s dad wanted to do when he was young and crazy?

6.Try to guess the meaning of ‘We all have our place in this world.’

7.What would be the difference between ‘a dream’, and ‘the dream’?


Checkpoint :
broth = 수프
vein = 정맥
besides A = A 외에
have been ~ing = (현재완료진행) 줄곧 ~해 오고 있다.

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