
2011년 11월 14일 월요일

Kungfu Panda - 4

Prelistening : Have you ever been to a place like a museum? What did you do, and how did you feel in that kind of place? Also Have you ever had someone around you that actually disliked you? Who threaten you? How did you feel?

★Before you watch the video, you may read the question first, and try to focus and catch the information you need. Note taking while listening would be very helpful.

[Bottom-up ; dictation, and defining words]
1.Try to fill in the blanks

The ( ) Hall of Warriors! No ( )!
Look at this place.
Master Flying Rhino's ( ), with ( ) battle damage!
The ( ) of Heroes!
Said to be so ( ) you can cut yourself just by ( ).
The Invisible Trident of ( )!

2.What does the word ‘sight-seeing’ mean?

[Top-down ; checking comprehension, and finding certain information]
3.Try to guess the meaning of the phrase ‘My patience is wearing thin.’ From the context.

4.Do you think Master Shifu likes Po? Why, or why not?

5.What does Po have to do to learn the secret of the Dragon Scroll?

6.Why doesn’t Master Shifu like Po to stand close to him?

Checkpoint :
sacred = 신성한
authentic = 진품의
invisible = 투명한
sightseeing = 관광
flabby = 늘어진
ridiculous = 터무니없는
hygiene = 위생
should have = ~했어야 했다 (후회)
would you ~ ? = ~ 할래?
be going to ~ = ~ 할 것이다

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