
2011년 12월 5일 월요일

Kungfu Panda - 15

Prelistening : Do you have an experience of having your last and only hope disappeared? How did you feel? Did you keep your work, even your last hope was gone? Also can you sacrifice yourself for others? Think about it.

★Before you watch the video, you may read the question first, and try to focus and catch the information you need. Note taking while listening would be very helpful.

[Bottom-up ; dictation]
1.Try to fill in the blanks

( ) the Dragon Scroll.
It is ( ).
Wait. What ( ) when I read it?
( ) says you will be able to hear a ( )'s ( ) beat.
Really? That's ( ).
Yes. And see ( ) in the deepest ( ).
You will feel the ( ) in ( ) around you.
Can I ( ) through ( )?
Do a quadruple back ( )?
( ).

[Bottom-up ; dictation, and defining words]
2.Try to fill in the blanks

Oogway was just a crazy old ( ) after all.
No. Oogway was ( ) than us all.
Oh, come on! ( ) it, he picked me by ( ).
Of course I'm not the Dragon Warrior. Who am I ( )?
But who will ( ) Tai Lung?
He'll ( ) everything and everyone.
( ) the valley. You must ( ) the villagers from Tai Lung's ( ).

3.What does ‘evacuate’ mean?

[Top-down ; checking comprehension, and finding certain information]
4.What doesn’t Shifu understand?

5.Do you agree with Po saying ‘Oogway was just a crazy old turtle after all’?

6.What does Shifu try to do?
① He tries to run away.
② He tries to persuade Po to fight with Tai Lung.
③ He tries to fight Tai Lung.

7.Shifu was almost like a father to Tai Lung. Do you think Tai Lung could still kill Shifu? Why or why not?

Checkpoint :
behold ~ = ~ 을 보다
face = 직시하다
rage = 분노
be able to ~ = ~할수 있다
loosen up ~ = ~을 느슨하게 하다
hold ~ off = ~을 가까이 못오게 하다
pay for ~ = ~의 대가를 지불하다

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