
2013년 6월 11일 화요일

Instroduction of Self-Acess Reading Resources for L2 readers

Target Students: intermediate high school 2nd grade students
Target Textbook Highschool 'English I' published by 능률교육

Chapter 1 English and My Dreams

Chapter 2 Sports and Life
Chapter 3 Challenging New Worlds
Chapter 4 The World of Korean Food
Chapter 5 World Cultural Heritage
Chapter 6 The Joy of Living Together
Chapter 7 Space and Technology
Chapter 8 Travel and Festivals
Chapter 9 The Beauty of Art
Chapter 10 Saving the Planet

Purpose: This collection of self-access reading resource is mostly focuesd on the out-of class purpose. In the class there isn't enough time to cover the texts only in the textbook. So instead of using this in the class time, this collection is recommended for using out of class. These resources are collected by chapter based. So all the reading resources are carefully chosen according to the main reading contents of each chapter. So the main purpose of the collection itself is to facilitate the access of studetns and teachers to self reading materials which can be used as the supplement materials for the textbook. Along with the reading resources there is the instruction to use the resources and expected effect(benefit) of it are suggested together. Since the purpose of this collection is supplement material for the textbook studying, so the materials are categorized according to the chapter of the textbook, so teachers and students can easily access. There are 10 chapters in the textbook, and 2 reading materials are povided for each chapter. There are one pre-reading material(A) and one post-reading material(B) for each chapter. Pre-reading material can be used to introduce unfamiliar topic of the textbook, activate students' schemata, or arouse students' interest before reading the textbook. Post-reading material can be used to help students understand further, broaden the knowledge on the topic, make students practice using reading skills or give students opportunity for the extensive reading. A and B are labeled in each title just to distinguish the pre-reading and post-reading materials.

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