
2011년 11월 17일 목요일

Kungfu Panda - 7

Prelistening : What do you do when you are upset? How do you release your anger? Have you ever wanted to quit something, because you experienced failure and got scared? If so, how did you get over it? f you couldn't get over that, then watch this and learn!!

★Before you watch the video, you may read the question first, and try to focus and catch the information you need. Note taking while listening would be very helpful.

[Bottom-up ; dictation]
1.Try to fill in the blanks

I probably ( ) more today than anyone in the ( ) of kung fu.
In the ( ) of China. In the ( ) of ( )!
And the Five! Man, you should've seen them! They ( ) hate me.
( ).
How is Shifu ever going to ( ) me into the Dragon Warrior?
I mean, I'm not like the Five.
I've got no ( ), no ( ), no ( ).

[Top-down ; checking comprehension, and finding certain information]
2.How does Po act, when he is upset?

3.Why Po is so upset?

4.What does Oogaway want Po to do?

5.What is Po’s problem?

6.Try to infer the meaning of ‘There's a saying:
Yesterday is history,
tomorrow is a mystery,
but today is a gift.
That is why it is called the present.’

Checkpoint :
suck = 실패
totally = 완전히
claw = 갈고리 발톱
venom = 독
concern with ~ = ~에 대해 걱정하다

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