
2011년 11월 20일 일요일

Kungfu Panda - 8

Prelistening : Have you ever been in a situation, that you wanted to learn something, but it was so hard, even practicing didn't lead you to success? Did you give up? Even though you wanted to learn it so badly? How would you feel if you meet a helper in that situation?

★Before you watch the video, you may read the question first, and try to focus and catch the information you need. Note taking while listening would be very helpful.

[Bottom-up ; dictation and defining words]
1.Try to fill in the blanks

You actually thought you could learn to do a full ( ) in one night?
It takes years to develop one's ( )!
And years longer to apply it in ( )!
Put that ( )!
The only ( ) we collect here are bloody ( ) and broken ( ).

2.What is the meaning of ‘resume’?

[Top-down ; checking comprehension, and finding certain information]
3.What Po was doing, when Master Shifu, and the Furious Five found him?
① He was eating.
② He was sleeping.
③ He was warming up.

4.Try to guess how would Master Shifu feel when he found Po didn’t leave. And why?

Checkpoint :
appreciate = 감사하다
flexibility = 유연성
apply = 적용하다
souvenirs = 기념품

be stuck = 끼이다
Don't mention it = 별 말씀을

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