
2013년 3월 18일 월요일

Journal I

Suppose your younger brother, nine year old, did not read in English yet, so your mother decided to send him to Hakwon. But 3 months later he ended up feeling that English was simply nightmare. He hated doing phonics workbook and memorizing words. He didn't want to go to Hakwon anymore. Your mother was now anxious and worried about her son. Your mother asked for your help. How would you help your brother enjoy reading in English?

     Since nine years old is still very young age, I need to be patient and try not to give him too much burden or stress. If not, he might hate English for the rest of his life. So I think in his age the most important thing in teaching English is making him interested in the English itself.
     Before starting the teaching process, I would make him realize why he needs to know English. No matter how old he is I still think having a purpose for doing something is very important because having a purpose can motivate him. I can help him find his own reason why he needs to study English by talking about his future dream which might requires English skills. Moreover I would show him the benefit from learning English including making foreign friends, traveling abroad, or the possibility of his friends liking him more.

     After motivating him, I would show him that learning English is fun by using various materials. Especially for the reading in English, I would let him read cartoons written in English. I used to use this way to improve my reading English skill. Cartoon was easy to concentrate, and understand because it includes pictures together. Also cartoon takes sorter time to finish, and after finish reading, I even feel little bit proud of finishing one book, and being able to understand the story in English.

     After letting him read several series of cartoon books, I will compliment him for reading something in English. By this he might get little bit of confidence in reading something in English. Then I would increase the level of the reading material which includes short fairy tale stories. In this process, I will invite his friends to join this study as a group. By making him study together with his close friends, he might concentrate and be motivated more by competitive spirit. I will give different short stories to each of them, and let them read and understand it. When we meet again, then I will make each child to share what their story was to each other. At the same time, each of them should know all the vocabularies in the story, so they can answer for other friends’ questions on the meaning of the word.

     While studying with his friends, he might realize his deficiency of English skills or want to improve more to be better than his friends. I will help him make his own schedule of studying phonics and vocabularies. Or if he doesn't want to study more, then I will tempt him with the rewards including any sweets, or additional computer time to make him study more.
     By this process, I believe my brother will improve his reading skill. At the same time, since he is studying together with his friends, he might try not to be outstripped which might bring the synergy effect in the group. I wish this can help my brother to improve his English skills which will solve my mother’s worries at the same time.

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