
2013년 6월 12일 수요일

For Ch.10: 50 Ways to Help the Planet,


For chapter 10 "Saving the Planet"


(Post-Reading Material)

This sites show the lists of 50 ways to help the planet.
There were some ways introduced in the textbook, but there are many more ways that students can do to help the planet. It would be nice to have students explore on this sites and let them skim what kinds of the ways they can do to help the planet.
Even though there are many ways, but the contents are neatly organized and the content itself isn't difficult. So it can be a good activity for students to briefly skim over the contents and pick out some ways that they can implement in the reality. By doing this students can learn extensively and meaningfully.

For Ch.10: The Consequences of Global Warming


For chapter 10 "Saving the Planet"


(Pre-Reading Material)

This site is operated by Natural Resources Defense Council which are very reliable organization, and it is showing the figures and examples of consequences of global warming.
The textbook is mentioning about the global warming but it's not enough to arouse students' attention. So it would be nice to use the more detailed information about the global warming itself and the alive  consequences of global warming to alert students. By doing this students would be more engaged in reading about the ways to save the earth afterward.
Moreover this site categorized the consequences really well, so studetns can also decide which category to dig more depending on their needs. It is very well organized.

For Ch.9: 15 Uncanny Examples of the Golden Ratio in Nature


For chapter 9 "The Beauty of Art"


(Post-Reading Material)

This site provides 15 astounding examples of golden ration in nature.
In the textbook, studetns learned about the golden ration which can be found in the art pieces and architecture. So this time, by using this site students can find even more examples of golden ration which can be found in the nature around ourselves.
This sites provides a good picture to facilitate studetns' learning also. After reading this site it would be even better to make students to try to seek the one of the examples from the nature around us. Which can be a good extensive reading activity.

For Ch.9: The Beauty Equation


For chapter 9 "The Beauty of Art"


(Pre-Reading Material)

This site is introducing the way to calculate the measurements to determine the facial beauty by the golden ratio.
The content of text book which is golden ratio can be an abstract concept for students. So by showing the example of golden ration used in determining facial beauty, students can more easily engaged and be more interested in the topic.
Moreover this site iS providing the easily recognizable pictures and easily followable steps too, so students can test themselves too which will intrigui their interest even more.

For Ch.8: 50 Greatest Festivals in the World


For chapter 8 "Travel and Festivals"


(Post-Reading Material)

This site provides the guide to the best and most interesting festivals in the world.
After reading the textbook, you can make students freely explore on this site.
This site includes the festivals mentioned in the textbook, so if the students want to find out more about the festival learned in the class also can use, and this includes other festivals too, so studetns can freely choose to gather some information about the festival from the wide range of choice.
It is good for giving studetns' opportunity to choose the festival they want to dig in.

For Ch.8: How to Enjoy a Festival


For chapter 8 "Festivals Around the World"


(Pre-Reading Material)

This site provides instruction to enjoy a festival.
Before reading the text, it would be nice to talk about students' real experience in the festivals. Along with this let students briefly check out some steps they have to follow to enjoy a festival and check whether they had done this before or even aware or agree with the steps.
By doing this studetns' schemata can be activated and they might be more interested in the topic.

For Ch.7: Spinoffs from space

For chapter 7 "Space and Technology"

(Post-Reading Material)

This site is providing a conflicting idea on the debate about the spinoffs and a small quiz on the spin off products.

So after reading the textbook, using this site student can share some opinions about whether the spinoffs from the space is worth or not.
Moreover, this site is providing a small quiz on the products of spinoffs, and even includes some spinoffs from the textbook too. So students can guess the answer for fun, and after finding an answer they can more eaily remember which were the spin offs. They might enjoy this activity.

For Ch.7: NASA Spinoff


For chapter 7 "Space and Technology"


(Pre-Reading Material)

This is official site of NASA which provides information about spinoffs.
There wouldn't be many students already know the meaning of the word 'spin off'', so it would be necessary to teach the word meaning first.
This is the official site of NASA, so it would intrigui students' interest, also this site explains about the spinoff too. So by making students explore in this sites, they might be motivated and also be able to find the definition of the spinoff.

For Ch.6: World vision


For chapter 6 "The Joy of Living Together"


(Post-reading Material)

This site is providing various information about World Vision International.
After reading the textbook, let student find some information about World Vision where does the volunteering works.

Make them explore what kinds of works it does and make them to relate with the value from the textbook. Help students to associate the learning from the text and the group of people who is trying to carry out the good values which were in the book.

For Ch.6: celebrities doing the voluntary work


For chapter 6 "The Joy of Living Together"


(Pre-Reading Material)

This site provides the list of celebritiy supporters with pictures and link to each supporter. Also this site provides some news related to.
Before reading the textbook it would be a good opportunity for students to explore on this sites. Students can find the famous stars according to their preference and find out about what kinds of charity works he or she does.
By showing preferred famous people doing charity works, students' interest can be more intriguied and they can more deeply engaged in the topic. This can be a good motivation.

For Ch.5: Why does 'Leaning Tower of Pisa' lean?


For chapter 5 "World Cultural Heritage"


(Post-Reading Material)

This site provides detailed information about construction, the reason for towers to lean, restoration works and some facts related with leaning tower of Pisa.
In the textbook reading, there aren't enough explanation about leaning tower of Pisa.
So there could be some students who might wonder the reason for leaning, kinds of restoration words, and other facts related with the tower. For them this site can provide answers.
This site can be used as self-access supplement resource for further and detailed explanations.

For Ch.5: The Tower of Pisa

For chapter 5 "World Cultural Heritage"

(Pre-Reading Material)

This site is giving various information about the tower of Pisa.

Before reading about the leaning tower of Pisa in the textbook, it would be nice to give students chance to get to know about the tower and also see some pictures.
There could be some students don't know the tower then they might have hard time to understand the text. So try to introduce briefly about the tower and make students ready to read.

For Ch.4: Hallyu will cool down in four years


For chapter 4 "The World of Korean Food"


(Post-Reading Material)

This site is handling the article predicting that Hallye will cool down in four years.
After reading about the Korean foods which were spread worldwide, introduce other Korean cultures which were spread worldwide to students for further reading activity.
Make students come up with some examples and make them read this article, and share about their opinions about this article and the solution for the phenomenon for extensive reading activity. 

For Ch.4: Michael Jackson likes to eat bibimbap

For chapter 4 "The World of Korean Food"

(Pre-Reading Material)

This site is talking about Michael Jackson during his lifetime recipes which is mainly about Michael Jackson's menu. And there is the story about how Michael Jackson came to like bibimbap and about Korea.

Before starting going into the content of the textbook, introduce how Michael Jackson came to like Korean food bibimbap.
Since Michael Jackson is very famous musician, this can make students more interested in the topic, and be awared of the popularity of Korean food in the world before reading. Moreover it would be nicer to make students think about some examples of famous Korean food to activate their schemata even more.

For Ch.3: Number of male U.S. nurses triple since 1970


For chapter 3 "Challenging New Worlds"


(Post-Reading Material)

This site includes the article showing the number of male nurses in U.S increased gradually.
After reading the textbook about Billy Elliot make students go to the site and read this article.
This article is showing the similar case with the Billy Elliot which is happening around us. By showing the near actual example, it can make students understand the content better and be more engaged with the idea of the reading.

2013년 6월 11일 화요일

For Ch.3: Billy Elliot (2001)


For chapter 3 "Challenging New Worlds"


(Pre-Reading Material)


This movie review site is giving an information about the Billy Elliot.
Before reading the textbook make students go to the movie review site and make them explore to gather some information about the Billy Elliot.
Before reading about Billy Elliot in the textbook, it would be good for student to get to know about him. After studetns find out about Billy Elliot make students be in the his shoes while reading, then they can more deeply be engaged in the reading.

For Ch.2: Olympic spirit


For chapter 2 "Sports and Life"


(Post-Reading Material)


This site is talking about the Olympic Game's spirit.
This site can be used as a good supplementary activity for the post-reading.
By introducing the Olympic game which the students are familiar with, so they can understand about the sports spirit more easily and deeply. Also this site is providing some difficult words' meaning and example of usage which can facilitate the reading activity for the students.
Moreover this site is providing information about the sports game, and sports vocabulary and quiz together so it can be a useful self-reading activity for students. 

For Ch.2: Hooliganism


For chapter 2 "Sports and Life"


(Pre-Reading material)

This site is introducing the word hooliganism which is associated with violence in sports.
Make students read about this before reading the textbook and find what kind of side effect can be happened if people only think about winning in the game.
By reading the story about having a wrong value in sports students can think about the topic before they read in their perspective which also can activate their schemata so they can be more engaged and be ready to read.

For Ch.1: English learning by mobile apps!


For chapter 1 "English and My Dreams"


(Post-Reading Material)


In this link, it is introducing 15 great free android apps for English lagnuage learners.
After reading the textbook about the importance and benefit of English learning make students visit this site and read the ways for learning English in effective and fun ways with mobile apps.
Since the content of the site is about the mobile apps students might get really interest in it. Moreover students can think further about what they learned in the textbook and eventually implement the learning from the reading by using these kinds of apps.


For Ch.1: List of countries where English is an official language

For chapter 1 "English and My Dreams"


(Pre-Reading Material)

If you go to this link, you can see the list of countries where English is an official language.

After reading make students go to the sites and look through the long lists of the countries where English is an official language.
Make students imagine many things they can do by learning English, in many countries.
By this students can be more deeply aware of the importance and benefit of English learning by reading about the specific number of people or countries using English. This way would be more effective than just emphasizing the facts. 

Instroduction of Self-Acess Reading Resources for L2 readers

Target Students: intermediate high school 2nd grade students
Target Textbook Highschool 'English I' published by 능률교육

Chapter 1 English and My Dreams

Chapter 2 Sports and Life
Chapter 3 Challenging New Worlds
Chapter 4 The World of Korean Food
Chapter 5 World Cultural Heritage
Chapter 6 The Joy of Living Together
Chapter 7 Space and Technology
Chapter 8 Travel and Festivals
Chapter 9 The Beauty of Art
Chapter 10 Saving the Planet

Purpose: This collection of self-access reading resource is mostly focuesd on the out-of class purpose. In the class there isn't enough time to cover the texts only in the textbook. So instead of using this in the class time, this collection is recommended for using out of class. These resources are collected by chapter based. So all the reading resources are carefully chosen according to the main reading contents of each chapter. So the main purpose of the collection itself is to facilitate the access of studetns and teachers to self reading materials which can be used as the supplement materials for the textbook. Along with the reading resources there is the instruction to use the resources and expected effect(benefit) of it are suggested together. Since the purpose of this collection is supplement material for the textbook studying, so the materials are categorized according to the chapter of the textbook, so teachers and students can easily access. There are 10 chapters in the textbook, and 2 reading materials are povided for each chapter. There are one pre-reading material(A) and one post-reading material(B) for each chapter. Pre-reading material can be used to introduce unfamiliar topic of the textbook, activate students' schemata, or arouse students' interest before reading the textbook. Post-reading material can be used to help students understand further, broaden the knowledge on the topic, make students practice using reading skills or give students opportunity for the extensive reading. A and B are labeled in each title just to distinguish the pre-reading and post-reading materials.

Journal III

Highlight anything that you have learned through this course and discuss why this is meaningful for your learning and instruction?  

     There are many things I have learned through this course. I simply expected that I would be able to learn some methods for teaching reading for the students, but I think there were more things which would be useful to myself. As I could learn various useful tips in reading, at the same time I felt that there is still a long way to go for myself to teach someone reading. I guess I should be ready with better reading ability with various reading skills before standing in front of the students.

     Among many things I learned from the lesson the most meaningful thing to me is that I realized that most of the time I’m doing the intensive reading. To be honest, I haven’t been a kind of person who enjoys reading. Even sometimes reading seems difficult and stressful task for me no matter it is in English or Korea. I simply thought the reason for this was because I’m not used to reading since when I was really young. I always thought the reading habit can be established only when people are very young. However I was wrong. In this class I found the real reason for my problem. It’s because I’m doing intensive reading and even using lower-level processing skills when I read. All the drawbacks of intensive reading I learned in the class can be applied to me. The reason I don’t like reading is that my reading speed is very slow and at the same time it’s hard for me to concentrate on reading. As I learned in the class because I pay too much attention on forms and text comprehension, my reading is being interrupted often which reduces the speed. Also I care too much to do the good reading, so the reading itself doesn’t seem fun to me. Thanks to this lesson I could finally find out the real reason for not liking the reading, and my slow reading. Now I find the reason so I think I can fix my problem. Moreover, in the class there were many activities and exercises for fast reading and extensive reading also so I think I can apply them to boost my reading speed and enjoyment of reading.

     There were many things I learned from this course. For example, I learned various kinds of reading skills and also made an activity to use some of the skills for students. Also I learned how to make a pre-reading question to activate schemata in a correct way, and in the process after making 3 bad pre-reading questions I could finally come up with the one good question. I think now I would not make a mistake in making pre-reading question. I learned how the reading strategies and skills are different too. I learned many things, and thanks to trying activities instead of just reading about the definition and characteristics of all of the leanings I could understand and remember them better. As I said earlier through this class I realize that I need to improve my reading ability first before teaching students, and also this class show me the way to do this too. Using various reading skills I learned in the lesson I will be able to boost my reading ability. I will practice some activities and exercises especially in the fast reading and extensive reading chapters so I can enjoy reading more than before.