
2011년 12월 9일 금요일

Kungfu Panda - 18

Prelistening : So this is the ending part of the movie, before you watch try go guess how this 'Kungfu Panda' would end? Happy ending? Sad ending? What would you prefer? Also keep in mind that at the first master Shifu didn't like and believe Po. Would Shifu change his mind at the end? Let's watch and find out together!!

★Before you watch the video, you may read the question first, and try to focus and catch the information you need. Note taking while listening would be very helpful.

[Bottom-up ; defining words]
1.What does ‘bluffing’ mean?

[Top-down ; checking comprehension, and finding certain information]
2.What does Po mean, when he said ‘I figured it out’?

3.Guess what would be ‘The Wuxi Finger Hold’.

[Bottom-up ; dictation]
4.Try to fill in the blanks

You're ( ).
Or we're both ( ).
No, Master, I didn't ( ). I ( ) Tai Lung.
You did?
Wow. It is as Oogway ( ).
You are the Dragon Warrior.
You have brought ( ) this ( )...

[Top-down ; checking comprehension, and finding certain information]
5.What can you infer from Shifu saying ‘I am simply at peace’.

6.What would Shifu and Po do next?
① Go traveling
② Throw a party
③ Eat something

Checkpoint :
foretell = 예언하다

2011년 12월 8일 목요일

Kungfu Panda - 17

Prelistening : Parents do love their children. But what would happen if they love them too much, have high expectancy or let them do whatever they want? Do you think parents' overloving can sometime harm their children? In this movie, parent is replaced by a teacher though, Let's whatch, and find out!

★Before you watch the video, you may read the question first, and try to focus and catch the information you need. Note taking while listening would be very helpful.

[Bottom-up ; dictation]
1.Try to fill in the blanks

This is no ( ) your home. And I am no ( ) your master.
Oh, yes. You have a new ( ).
So where is ( ) Po?
Did I ( ) him ( )?
This battle is ( ) you and me.
So, that is how it's ( ) to be.
That is how it ( ) be.
I ( ) in jail for ( ) years because of your ( )!
( ) your master is not ( )!

[Top-down ; checking comprehension, and finding certain information]
2.What was Shifu’s fault?

3.Who has the scroll?

[Bottom-up ; defining words]
4.What does ‘buddy’ mean?
① friend
② family
③ opponent

[Top-down ; checking comprehension, and finding certain information]
5.Why Tai Lung didn’t believe that Po is the dragon warrior at the first sight?

6.What is Po doing?

Checkpoint :
obey = 복종하다
otherwise = 다르게
deny = 부정하다
scare ~ off = ~를 무섭게 하여 쫓아내다
A be no longer B = A는 더이상 B가 아니다
would rather ~ = 차라리 ~ 하겠다

Kungfu Panda - 16

Prelistening : Have you ever felt that you are not actual daughter on son of your parents? If you have, then when, and why? Also do you have any luck charm? If so, do you think your luck charm has some magical power brining you a luck? Or do you just believe it. Think about it.

★Before you watch the video, you may read the question first, and try to focus and catch the information you need. Note taking while listening would be very helpful.

[Bottom-up ; dictation, and defining words]
1.Try to fill in the blanks

( ), Dad.
Good to ( ) you ( ), son.
Good to be ( ).
Let's go, Po.
So for our ( ) shop, it's time to ( ) it...
...the ( ) of noodles is ( )-cut vegetables... longer ( ).
Also, I was ( ), maybe this time
we'll have a ( ) you can actually stand up in.

2.What is the meaning of the word ‘plain’?

[Top-down ; checking comprehension, and finding certain information]
3.Which is not correct for dad’s next plan for the future?
① To open a new noodle shop
② To put the vegetable slices in noodle
③ To build a kitchen where Po can standup in

4.What is dad’s idea about Po’s destiny?

5.Try to guess why Po thought that he isn’t his dad’s son.

6.What is dad’s secret ingredient of his Secret Ingredient Soup?
① fresh vegetables
② chicken broth
③ nothing

Checkpoint :
await ~ = ~을 기다리다
folk = 사람들
plain = 평이한
Good to have you back = 니가 돌아와서 기뻐
Good to be back = (자신이) 돌아오니까 좋다

2011년 12월 5일 월요일

Kungfu Panda - 15

Prelistening : Do you have an experience of having your last and only hope disappeared? How did you feel? Did you keep your work, even your last hope was gone? Also can you sacrifice yourself for others? Think about it.

★Before you watch the video, you may read the question first, and try to focus and catch the information you need. Note taking while listening would be very helpful.

[Bottom-up ; dictation]
1.Try to fill in the blanks

( ) the Dragon Scroll.
It is ( ).
Wait. What ( ) when I read it?
( ) says you will be able to hear a ( )'s ( ) beat.
Really? That's ( ).
Yes. And see ( ) in the deepest ( ).
You will feel the ( ) in ( ) around you.
Can I ( ) through ( )?
Do a quadruple back ( )?
( ).

[Bottom-up ; dictation, and defining words]
2.Try to fill in the blanks

Oogway was just a crazy old ( ) after all.
No. Oogway was ( ) than us all.
Oh, come on! ( ) it, he picked me by ( ).
Of course I'm not the Dragon Warrior. Who am I ( )?
But who will ( ) Tai Lung?
He'll ( ) everything and everyone.
( ) the valley. You must ( ) the villagers from Tai Lung's ( ).

3.What does ‘evacuate’ mean?

[Top-down ; checking comprehension, and finding certain information]
4.What doesn’t Shifu understand?

5.Do you agree with Po saying ‘Oogway was just a crazy old turtle after all’?

6.What does Shifu try to do?
① He tries to run away.
② He tries to persuade Po to fight with Tai Lung.
③ He tries to fight Tai Lung.

7.Shifu was almost like a father to Tai Lung. Do you think Tai Lung could still kill Shifu? Why or why not?

Checkpoint :
behold ~ = ~ 을 보다
face = 직시하다
rage = 분노
be able to ~ = ~할수 있다
loosen up ~ = ~을 느슨하게 하다
hold ~ off = ~을 가까이 못오게 하다
pay for ~ = ~의 대가를 지불하다

2011년 12월 3일 토요일

Kungfu Panda - 14

Prelistening : In your life, did you have a rival, who you compete with in something? Or have you ever met stronger enemy? How did you feel infront of him or her?

★Before you watch the video, you may read the question first, and try to focus and catch the information you need. Note taking while listening would be very helpful.

[Top-down ; checking comprehension, and finding certain information]
1.How does Tai Lung know about Po?

2.Do you think Tai Lung Knows correctly about Po? Why, or why not?

[Bottom-up ; dictation]
3.Try to fill in the blanks

They're ( )!
No, they're ( ). They're ( )? But their ( ) are open.
We were no ( ) for his ( ) attack.
He's gotten ( ).

[Top-down ; checking comprehension, and finding certain information]
4.Why four of the Furious Five couldn’t move?

5.Why didn’t Tai Lung kill the Furious Five, even though he could?

6.What does Po have that no one else does?

Checkpoint :
humility = 겸손
worthy = 가치 있는
opponent = 적수
asleep = 잠든
be no match for ~ = ~에 상대가 안되다
have gotten ~(adj.) = 더 ~해지다
could have ~p.p = ~할수도 있었다
strike fear into one's hearts = ~의 마음속에 공포를 심다
unlike anything the world has ever seen = 세상에 다시 없는

2011년 12월 1일 목요일

Kungfu Panda - 13

Prelistening : Do you have an experience of successing something unconsciously? In this situation, were you able to do that again consciously? Also try to remember the time when you visited a birthplace of something? birthplace of which was it? How did you feel at that place?

★Before you watch the video, you may read the question first, and try to focus and catch the information you need. Note taking while listening would be very helpful.

[Bottom-up ; dictation]
1.Try to fill in the blanks

What? I eat when I'm ( ), OK?
No ( ) to ( ).
I ( ) you might be Monkey. He ( ) his ( ) cookies on the top ( ).
Don't ( ) Monkey.
Look at you.
Yeah, I know, I ( ) you.
No, I mean, how did you ( ) up there?
I don't know. I ( ) that...
I don't know. I was ( ) a cookie.
Yet you are ten feet off the ground.

[Top-down ; checking comprehension, and finding certain information]
2. Try to imagine what Shifu would do to Po afterward.

[Top-down ; checking comprehension, and finding certain information]
3. Where are they?

[Bottom-up ; dictation]
4.Try to fill in the blanks

When you ( ) on kung fu,
when you ( )... ( ).
Perhaps that is my ( ).
I cannot train you the ( ) I have trained the Five.
I now see that the way to get ( ) to you... ( ) this.

[Top-down ; checking comprehension, and finding certain information]
5. Why Shifu think that ‘this is my fault’?

6.Guess what is the way that Shifu found to train Po. And why?

Checkpoint :
disgust = 메스껍게 하다
mystical = 신비적인
drag = ~을 질질 끌고 가다
unravel = 풀리다
birthplace = 발상지
concentrate = 집중하다
at least = 최소한
no need to ~ = ~할 필요 없다
come with me = 나를 따라와